Generation of HPMC-derived Placebo Hydrogel Component Matrix System for Possible Pharmaceutical 3D Printing Applications

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Gantala Sarva Sai Nikhilesh


Integration of 3D bioprinting technology in the design and fabrication of pharmaceutical dosage form has the potential to
overcome the limitations and expand the range of drugs that can be delivered through different routes. In recent years, the
field of bioprinting has emerged as a revolutionary technology with the potential to transform various aspects of the healthcare
and pharmaceutical industries. Among its wide-ranging applications, one of the most promising areas is the development of
transdermal drug delivery systems using 3D bioprinting techniques. This innovative approach holds significant promise in
enhancing drug delivery efficiency, improving patient compliance, and revolutionizing personalized medicine. 3D bioprinting
technology offers exciting prospects for the development of transdermal patches specifically designed for wound healing
applications. With further advancements and research, these innovative patches have the potential to revolutionize the field
of wound care and improve patient outcomes.


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How to Cite
Nikhilesh, G. S. S. . (2023). Generation of HPMC-derived Placebo Hydrogel Component Matrix System for Possible Pharmaceutical 3D Printing Applications. International Journal of Health Technology and Innovation, 2(02), 32–35.
Research Article