Non-human Intervention Robot in Biomedical Waste Management

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Chapala Sara Grace
Grace .
M Sreeja
M Deepika


Medical waste is one of the growing concerns worldwide, hidden in wolf’s clothing. A wide range of medical waste is being produced daily, which should be distinguished in its disposal and treatment. Collection, segregation and treatment of these wastes is quite problematic as it may spread diseases to the workers and cause harm. Biomedical waste management using autoclave incinerators, their establishment and maintenance is highly economical. We hereby come up with the idea of employing a robot under human control to collect, segregate and treat medical wastes


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How to Cite
Grace, C. S. ., ., G., Sreeja, M. ., & Deepika, M. (2023). Non-human Intervention Robot in Biomedical Waste Management. International Journal of Health Technology and Innovation, 2(01), 2–4.
Research Article