Clinical Effectiveness of Bronchoscopy (EBUS-TBNA/EUS-FNA): A Systematic Review and Meta analysis

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Pudi Nagaseshu
Kavita Kachroo
Jitendra Sharma


The review mainly focusses on the goals to evaluate the viability of Bronchoscopy in decrease of mortality, length of stay and other complications in adults above 18 years.
Introduction: Inclusion Criteria: This review is conducted in adult patients in both male and female with lung cancer age over 18–65.
Methods: The databases of web indexes like PubMed, Google researcher and Cochrane were utilized for this review. The titles and abstracts are screened and evaluated based on the inclusion criteria of the review. Depending on inclusion criteria the full text articles were assessed exhaustively and chosen studies were recovered by methodological quality.
Results: In this review among the retrieved articles 67 studies which met the inclusion criteria and those studies were pooled statistically and their outcomes were measured. All those studies explain the effectiveness of Bronchoscopy (EBUS-TBNA/EUS-FNA) to show sensitivity and specificity
Conclusion: Meta-analysis assessing the combined approach of EBUS-TBNA and EUS-FNA for media stinal node staging of lung cancer. The current evidence suggests that the combined technique EBUS-TBNA/EUS-FNA is more effective than EBUS-TBNA or EUS-FNA alone.


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How to Cite
Nagaseshu, P., Kachroo, K., & Sharma, J. (2022). Clinical Effectiveness of Bronchoscopy (EBUS-TBNA/EUS-FNA): A Systematic Review and Meta analysis. International Journal of Health Technology and Innovation, 1(01).