Radio Frequency (RF) Mediated Hyperthermia of Nickel Ferrites-A Potential Application of Cancer Therapy

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D. Suman
V. Sripathi Raja
Vasundara Mutta


We present an invitro study of the hyperthermia application of nanomaterials for the cancer treatment by Radiofrequency (RF). Nickel-ferrite nano materials are synthesized by using microwave hydrothermal method at different pH values under a lower temperature of 160°C for a short holding time of 30 minutes. RF source generator is being used that opeartes at 100 KHz and a temperature regulator monitors the temperature of the solution.The in-vivo experimemnt was conducted with the nanomaterials dispersed in the ferrofluid, and RF energy is appiled when the solution is being placed in a magnetic stirrer. The results shows that the temperature of the nanomaterials has increased beyond 40°C and went up to 45°C with the increase in frequency of the RF under the constant magnetic field of 100 Oe. As the strength of the magnetic field increases the Nanomaterials have shown rapid variation in their temperature Characteristics. The nickel-ferrites have shown linear temperature characteristics under the magnetic field of 100Oe with the RF frequency of 100 KHz. Hence the nickel-ferrites are most suitable for the Hyperthermia application of cancer treatment..The cancerous cells are destroyed by ‘Active cell destruction’ or they are swollen till the cells burst. The superconductivity property of nano particles and Radio Frequency coils used plays the major role in the treatment.


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How to Cite
Suman, D. ., Raja, V. S. ., & Mutta, V. . (2024). Radio Frequency (RF) Mediated Hyperthermia of Nickel Ferrites-A Potential Application of Cancer Therapy. International Journal of Health Technology and Innovation, 3(01), 40–43.
Research Article


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