International Journal of Health Technology and Innovation <p><strong>The International Journal of Health Technology and Innovation</strong> is a part of KIHT and started in the <strong>year 2022</strong>; publishing <strong>frequency</strong> will be <strong>four issues per calendar year publishes articles on the subject of Medical Sciences</strong>. IJHTI is a <strong>quarterly,</strong> open-access journal and published in <strong>English language</strong>. <strong>International Journal of Health Technology and Innovation publishes articles on subject of Medical Sciences and new innovations in the same field. </strong>IJHTI will be publishing peer-reviewed manuscripts on healthcare technology and industry research, focussing on inter and cross-disciplinary approach which would stategically huge impact on our health technology ecosystem and some of the domains such as biomedical engineering, bioinformatics, nanotechnology, digital health, medical devices etc. It aims at rapid publication of high-quality research results while maintaining a rigorous review process.</p> en-US (Sneha Latha) (Susheel Gupta) Thu, 22 Aug 2024 10:44:26 +0000 OJS 60 Correlation between Big Five Personality and Workplace Attitude in People in Research and Manufacturing Sector <p>Studies have shown a correlation between neuroticism and aggressive behaviors. In this study, we use data collected from employees working in the manufacturing and research sector to form associations between big-five personalities and aggressive workplace behavior. A correlation was established between personality (neuroticism, openness, agreeableness, extraversion, and conscientiousness) and aggression (physical aggression, anger, verbal aggression, and hostility). Additionally, the study also examines any correlation between aggression and participant’s motives (need for power, need for achievement, and need for security). The sample consists of 47 participants from a research and manufacturing unit of India. B5T was used to measure the big five personality aspects and a brief aggression questionnaire was used to measure four aspects of aggression. Using the Pearson Correlation, a statistically significant positive correlation was established between neuroticism and two subsets of aggression—anger and hostility. Additionally, there was a positive correlation between openness to new experiences and physical aggression, another subset of aggression. This result was not supported by the existing literature. Thus, more research is needed to examine this link. Interestingly, this paper found no statistically significant negative correlation between aggression and agreeableness that is well documented in other studies. Moreover, no significant correlation between people’s motivations and behavior was found. A workplace can employ the use of these results to see which personality type would best benefit from which kind of aggressive intervention. Hence, they can help provide a more targeted intervention for aggressive behavior in the workplace.</p> Shivika Goel Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Health Technology and Innovation Tue, 20 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Performance Assessment of FibriTimer™ Zeta-1 for PT and APTT Testing <p>The FibriTimer™ Zeta-1 (called ZETA1) is a new, semi-automated multipurpose Haemostasis system, indigenously developed featuring DUAL TECHNOLOGY. ZETA1 is designed and developed by a Bangalore MedTech Startup M/S Dfine Bio-innovations Pvt Ltd, keeping in mind the needs of smaller labs. ZETA1 has not yet been evaluated in India.<br />The objective of this study was to evaluate the ZETA1 performance for prothrombin time (PT), activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT), and international normalized ratio (INR) under local laboratory conditions.<br />For within run the CV% for normal control PT and APTT were 2.42 and 4.25 and 5.91 and 2.65 for abnormal control, respectively 4. For between runs on normal control, the CV% for PT and APTT were 0.76, 0.49, 2.34, and 0.99 for Abnormal control, respectively<br />The correlation coefficients of INR and APTT ratio between ZETA1 and CS-1600 were 0.96 and 0.81, respectively.<br />Standard Error of INR and APTT Ratio were, i.e., 0.023 and 0.076, respectively.</p> Swati Pai, Sudhindra Copyright (c) 2024 Swati Pai, Sudhindra Tue, 20 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A Comprehensive Study on the Integration of Robotic Technology in Medical Applications considering Legal Frameworks & Ethical Concerns <p>The medical industry is one of the rapidly growing sectors, considering the advances achieved in the last century. In this paper, a brief exploration of the integration of robotic technology in medical applications has been done, with light on the legal and ethical aspects. The role of robotics in healthcare has been expanded over time, enhancing surgical assistance, rehabilitation, and personal care through innovation and Artificial Intelligence (AI). The paper explores diverse healthcare robot applications, emphasizing their impact on patient care and medical practices. The legal frameworks and ethical implications are also analyzed in this paper, with case studies like domestic robotics and automation in personal care providing insights into real-world experiences. In addition, the regulatory landscape has also been explored with the civil liabilities of smart robots in Jordanian legislation, with attention to cybersecurity and governance issues. Upcoming technologies and the future potential of medical robotics, including nanorobots, and the need for ongoing research and robust regulation to maximize benefits have also been explored.</p> Rishi Manoj, Navni Krishna, Mohammed Sabeer TS Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Health Technology and Innovation Tue, 20 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Evaluation of Hemostatic Effectiveness in a Standard Swine Hemorrhage Model of Severe Bleeding: A Comparative Study of Chitosan Gauze and Kaolin Gauze <p>Hemorrhage remains a critical factor contributing to avoidable fatalities in combat scenarios and civilian emergencies. Significant advancements have been made in managing extremity hemorrhage through tourniquet application, although not all injuries can be effectively treated with this method. In the United States, the Committee on Tactical Combat Casualty Care (CoTCCC) has emphasized the importance of employing hemostatic dressings during initial trauma care as an alternative when tourniquet application is not feasible. Similar recommendations have been adopted globally, highlighting the pivotal role of topical hemostats in managing such critical situations. Among the recommended topical hemostats, hemostatic gauze, composed of biomaterials including chitosan and kaolin, has demonstrated superior efficacy in rapidly achieving hemostasis. The objective of this study was to evaluate the hemostatic efficacy of axiostat gauze (AG) in an extremity arterial hemorrhage model in swine and compare it with QuikClot Combat Gauze (QCG). The femoral artery was selected to create a model of severe arterial hemorrhage. This model is widely accepted as a standardized combat injury model by military laboratories, including those of the US Department of Defense. The findings indicate that AG has a superior safety profile, evidenced by the absence of particle release, and offers advantages in terms of faster hemostasis, reduced overall blood loss, and greater fluid absorbency compared to QCG. Although AG achieved quicker hemostasis, both AG and QCG ultimately provided effective eventual hemostasis in all animals, demonstrating comparable overall efficacy. In addition to its hemostatic performance, AG also possesses antimicrobial properties and is biocompatible. These attributes make AG a highly effective option for managing severe traumatic bleeding. Thus, AG can be recommended for use in both military and civilian pre-hospital settings as a strategic solution for critical bleeding situations.</p> Anup Kumar, Animesh Agrawal, Kala Kumar Bharani, Leo Mavely Copyright (c) 2024 Anup Kumar, Animesh Agrawal, Kala Kumar Bharani, Leo Mavely Tue, 20 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Role of Online Education in Radiology <p>Technology is the key enabler to scaling up radiologist education. Innovation and advancement in the field of information technology has revolutionized the medical education system and healthcare in general. Training programs in radiology aim to produce a competent, thinking, consistent and logical radiologist who can perform and interpret a variety of diagnostic and interventional imaging investigations and procedures and pursue research and teaching while embracing core medical ethics. These radiology teaching programs are just not restricted to traditional classroom-based education, rather online education has gained substantial momentum over the years. Online education refers to the process of teaching and learning through the use of electronic resources, devices and networks to promote development and improve the quality of education and training. Despite challenges, online radiology education provides many advantages to radiologists and radiologists-in-training in terms of accessibility, flexibility, access to quality sub-specialty education and convenience. The aim of this review is to share our experience and insights into the role of online education in the field of radiology.</p> Arjun Kalyanpur, Neetika Mathur Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Health Technology and Innovation Tue, 20 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Lead Zirconate Titanate (PZT) Synthesis and Its Applications <p>Lead zirconate titanate (PZT) is a versatile material widely used in various applications due to its unique and excellent piezoelectric properties. While it has been employed in multiple forms, it is of utmost importance to develop an efficient manufacturing process for its nanoparticles that may be used to fabricate the other PZT elements. This review aims to compare different synthesis methods of PZT and evaluate their suitability and scalability for the large-scale production of PZT nanoparticles. Various synthesis techniques, including sol-gel, hydrothermal, and solid-state reactions, were analyzed for their processes, feasibility, advantages, and disadvantages. Factors such as cost-effectiveness, scalability, and resulting material purity are considered in determining an ideal synthesis method. While each method offers distinct benefits, no single method emerges as universally superior, and the choice of process depends on the specific requirements of the end product and its applications. This review aims to aid researchers and practitioners in selecting appropriate synthesis methods for PZT-based devices. Future research could focus on optimizing existing methods or exploring novel approaches to enhance the properties and performance of PZT materials for diverse applications.</p> Xena Shirke, Santosh Balivada Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Health Technology and Innovation Tue, 20 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Escherichia coli Fermentation and GFP Production by using the Eppendorf BioFlo®120 Bioprocess Control Station <p>This article is an examination of a bioprocess experiment involving the cultivation of a GFP-expressing strain of Escherichia coli using the BioFlo®120 bioprocess control station. The BioFlo 120 is a bench-scale bioreactor/fermentor system perfectly suited for all levels of research and development. The study highlights the capabilities of the BioFlo®120 in supporting high-density growth and protein production. There is two key parameters were monitored to assess the progress of the fermentation process, the optical density (OD600) to estimate cell density and relative fluorescence units (RFU) to quantify the green fluorescent protein production. Additionally, it discusses the Auto Culture modes, which enable automatic process control of common microbial and mammalian cultures, making it accessible for users with varying levels of experience. The application note also delves into the differences between batch, fed-batch, and continuous fermentation processes, with a focus on E. coli fermentation at bench scale. It covers various aspects such as biomass and nutrient concentration analysis methods, including growth rate, productivity, yield, and process costs. This comprehensive approach provides valuable insights for bioprocess engineers in selecting the most suitable fermentation method for their specific requirements. This article explores the positive outcome for bioprocess engineers and researchers who aim to optimize bio-production systems for industrial or research purposes.</p> Sri Ranjitha Muddani, sruthi Copyright (c) 2024 Sri Ranjitha Muddani, sruthi Tue, 20 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The AMTZ International Journal of Health Technology and Innovation <p>The patient-centric approach is the most important aspect of our NMD (National Medical Devices) Policy 2023. The policy aims to build an innovative and globally competitive industry in India, supported by world-class infrastructure in alignment with PM Gati Shakti, Make in India, and Atmanirbhar Bharat programs. The goal is to become a global leader in the manufacturing and innovation of medical devices by increasing our market share in the global market from the current 1.5% to 10 to 12% in the next 25 years.</p> M. Sainath Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Health Technology and Innovation Thu, 22 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000